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CS100 Lecture 27

Other Facilities in the Standard Library


  • C++17 library facilities
  • function
  • optional
  • string_view
  • pair and tuple
  • Going into C++20:
  • Ranges library
  • Formatting library
  • Future

C++17 library facilities


Defined in <functional>

std::function<Ret(Args...)> is a general-purpose function wrapper that stores any callable object that can be called with arguments of types Args... and returns Ret.

Polynomial poly({3, 2, 1}); // `Polynomial` in homework 5
std::function<double(double)> f1(poly);
std::cout << f1(0) << '\n';

std::function<void()> f2 = []() { std::cout << 42 << '\n'; };
f2(); // prints 42

Recap: callable

A callable object in C++ might be a function, a pointer-to-function, or an object of class type that has an overloaded operator() \({}^{\textcolor{red}{1}}\).

  • Lambdas belong to the last category, whose type is compiler-generated.

A function has an address! When the program is executed, the program instructions (machine code) are loaded into the memory.

int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
int main() {
  auto *padd = &add;
  std::cout << (*padd)(3, 4) << '\n';
  std::cout << padd(3, 4) << '\n'; // Also correct.

A pointer-to-function itself is also callable. pfunc(...) is the same as (*pfunc)(...).

Example: Calculator

A more fancy way of implementing a calculator:

std::map<char, std::function<double(double, double)>> funcMap{
  {'+', std::plus<>{}},
  {'-', std::minus<>{}},
  {'*', std::multiplies<>{}},
  {'/', std::divides<>{}}
double lhs, rhs; char op;
std::cin >> lhs >> op >> rhs;
std::cout << funcMap[op](lhs, rhs) << '\n';

std::plus, std::minus, etc. are defined in the standard library header <functional>.

Example: Calculator

Combining different ways of using std::function:

double add(double a, double b) { return a + b; }
struct Divides {
  double operator/(double a, double b) const { return a / b; }
int main() {
  std::map<char, std::function<double(double, double)>> funcMap{
    {'+', add}, // A function (in fact, a pointer-to-function)
    {'-', std::minus<>{}}, // An object of type `std::minus<>`
    {'*', [](double a, double b) { return a * b; }}, // A lambda
    {'/', Divides{}} // An object of type `Divides`
  double lhs, rhs; char op;
  std::cin >> lhs >> op >> rhs;
  std::cout << funcMap[op](lhs, rhs) << '\n';


Defined in the header <optional>.

std::optional<T> manages either an object of type T, or nothing.

  • Algebraically: Let \(\mathcal T\) be the value set of T, and let \(\mathcal O\) be the value set of std::optional<T>. We have

where std::nullopt is a special object that represents the state of nothing.

Example: Solving quadratic equation in \(\mathbb R\).

A typical example: Use std::optional<Solution> when there may be no solutions.

std::optional<std::pair<double, double>> solve(double a, double b, double c) {
  auto delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
  if (delta < 0)
    return std::nullopt; // No solution.
  auto sqrtDelta = std::sqrt(delta);
  // An `std::optional<T>` can be initialized directly from `T`.
  return std::pair{(-b - sqrtDelta) / (2 * a), (-b + sqrtDelta) / (2 * a)};

Example: Solving quadratic equation in \(\mathbb R\).

void printSolution(const std::optional<std::pair<double, double>> &sln) {
  if (sln) { // conversion to bool tests whether it contains an object
    auto [x1, x2] = sln.value(); // .value() returns the contained object.
    std::cout << "The solutions are " << x1 << " and " << x2 << '.'
              << std::endl;
  } else
    std::cout << "No solutions." << std::endl;
int main() {
  auto sln1 = solve(1, -2, -3);
  auto sln2 = solve(1, 0, 1);
  return 0;

How will you implement std::optional<T>?

Is this good?

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
  T object;
  bool hasObject;
  // ...

How will you implement std::optional<T>?

Is this good?

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
  T object;
  bool hasObject;
  // ...

NO! It models \(\mathcal O=\mathcal T\times\{\text{true},\text{false}\}\). The object is alive even when hasObject is false!

  • This also requires the "nothing" state to be represented by default-initializing object, but the default-initialization of T may be expensive or disabled!

How will you implement std::optional<T>?

Is this good?

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
  std::unique_ptr<T> pObject; // "Nothing" is represented by nullptr.
  // ...

How will you implement std::optional<T>?

Is this good?

template <typename T>
struct Optional {
  std::unique_ptr<T> pObject; // "Nothing" is represented by nullptr.
  // ...

It does model \(\mathcal O=\mathcal T\cup\{\text{std::nullopt}\}\), but it requires dynamic memory allocation.

If I just need something to represent "no solution", why would I have to store the solution on dynamic memory?

  • Such overhead is not acceptable!

An std::optional models an object, not a pointer!

How will you implement std::optional<T>?

The implementation is not trivial. See this page if you are interested.

  • It requires careful treatment of memory, possibly using a union.

Other member functions of std::optional

Some common ones:

  • *o: returns the stored object. The behavior is undefined if it does not contain one.
  • o->mem: equivalent to (*o).mem.

std::optional<T> does not model a pointer, although it provides * and ->. - o.value_or(x): returns the stored object, or x if it does not contain one. - o1.swap(o2) - o.reset(): destroys any contained object - o.emplace(args...): constructs the contained object in-place.

Refer to cppreference for a full list.


The old question: How do you pass a string?

void some_operation(const std::string &str) {
  // ...

Pass-by-reference-to-const seems to be quite good: It accepts both lvalues and rvalues, whether const-qualified or not, and avoids copy.

  • Wait ... Does it really avoid copy?


The old question: How do you pass a string?

void some_operation(const std::string &str) {
  // ...
std::string s = something();
some_operation(s); // Copy is avoided, of course.
some_operation("The quick red fox jumps over the slow red turtle."); // Ooops!
  • When we pass a string literal, a temporary std::string is created first, during which the content of the string is still copied!


What do char[N], "hello", std::string, str = new char[N]{...} have in common?


What do char[N], "hello", std::string, str = new char[N]{...} have in common?

  • A pointer to the first position, and a length!
struct StringView {
  const char *start;
  std::size_t length;

  StringView(const char *cstr) : start{cstr}, length{std::strlen(cstr)} {}
  StringView(const std::string &str) : start{}, length{str.size()} {}

  std::size_t size() const { return length; }
  const char &operator[](std::size_t n) const { return start[n]; }

  // ...


Defined in header <string_view>.

std::string_view: An non-owning reference to a string. It is often used to refer to a string that we don't modify.

// `std::string_view` is usually passed by value directly,
// since it is light-weighted and models a "pointer".
void some_operation(std::string_view str);
int main() {
  std::string s1 = something(), s2 = something_else();
  some_operation(s1 + s2);
  • No copy is performed, even for "hello".

Avoid dangling string_view!

Let's use std::string_view everywhere, shall we?

struct Student {
  std::string_view name;
  // ...

  Student(std::string_view name_) : name{name_} {}

int main() {
  std::string s1 = something(), s2 = something_else();
  Student stu(s1 + s2);
  std::cout << << '\n'; // Undefined behavior!

Avoid dangling string_view!

Let's use std::string_view everywhere, shall we?

struct Student {
  std::string_view name;
  // ...

  Student(std::string_view name_) : name{name_} {}

int main() {
  std::string s1 = something(), s2 = something_else();
  Student stu(s1 + s2); // `s1 + s2` is a temporary!
  std::cout << << '\n'; // Undefined behavior! `` is dangling!
} refers to a temporary created by s1 + s2! It is destroyed immediately when the initialization of stu ends.

Avoid dangling string_view!

The same thing happens if you try to use reference-to-const as a member:

struct Student {
  const std::string &name;
  // ...

  Student(const std::string &name_) : name{name_} {}

int main() {
  std::string s1 = something(), s2 = something_else();
  Student stu(s1 + s2); // `s1 + s2` is a temporary!
  std::cout << << '\n'; // Undefined behavior! `` is dangling!


Using a string_view parameter can accept strings of any form, and avoid copy.

  • The use of string_view as a parameter is often safe, because the lifetime of the argument should be longer than the execution of the function.
  • In other cases, be extremely careful to avoid dangling string_views!

pair and tuple

pair and tuple can be thought of as a "quick and dirty" data structure.

  • std::pair<T, U>: defined in <utility>. It models

- std::tuple<T1, T2, ...>: defined in <tuple>. It models

where \(n\) is compile-time known non-negative constant integer.

pair and tuple

std::pair<T, U> is defined almost just like this:

template <typename T, typename U>
struct pair {
  T first;
  U second;

It comes from C++98. At that time, there was no variadic templates which is necessary for building a tuple.

std::tuple<Types...> is an extension of std::pair<T1, T2>, which can contain an arbitrary number of things.

pair and tuple in modern C++

With the increasing support for aggregates and structured binding in modern C++, pair and tuple are seldom needed now.

A user-defined type can also be used conveniently:

template <typename T> struct Set {
  struct InsertResult {
    bool success;
    Iterator position;
  InsertResult insert(const T &);

// structured binding
auto [ok, pos] = mySet.insert(something);
if (ok)

pair and tuple in modern C++

Which one do you prefer?

template <typename T> struct Set {
  struct InsertResult {
    bool success;
    Iterator position;
  InsertResult insert(const T &);

auto result = mySet.insert(x);
if (result.success)
template <typename T> struct Set {
  std::pair<bool, Iterator>
  insert(const T &);

auto result = mySet.insert(x);
if (result.first)

[Best practice] Prefer a self-defined type with meaningfully named members to pair and tuple.


Other things in the C++17 standard library we have not touched:

  • std::variant<T1, T2, ...>: A type-safe union that models

- std::any: A type-safe container that contains a single object of any copy-constructible type. - <regex>: Standard library support for regular expressions. - <filesystem>: Standard library support for filesystem operations. - Concurrency support: <thread>, <atomic>, <mutex>, ...

Going into C++20

C++20 is historic!

CppCon2021 Talk by Bjarne Stroustrup: C++20: Reaching the aims of C++

C++20 is the first C++ standard that delivers on virtually all the features that Bjarne Stroustrup dreamed of in The Design and Evolution of C++ in 1994.

Ranges library: The next generation of STL.

An extension and generalization of the algorithms and iterator libraries that makes them more powerful by making them composable and less error-prone.

A range is represented by one object, instead of (begin, end) or (begin, n).

C++20 constrained algorithms

Given Student defined as

struct Student { std::string name; int id; };


void sortStudentsByID(std::vector<Student> &students) {
  std::sort(students.begin(), students.end(),
            [](const Student &a, const Student &b) { return <; });


void sortStudentsByID(std::vector<Student> &students) {
  std::ranges::sort(students, {}, &Student::id);

Ranges are composable

Enumerate the last \(10\) even numbers in a vector in reverse order:

using namespace std::views;
for (auto x : vec | filter([](auto x) { return x % 2 == 0; }) | take(10)
              | reverse)

It looks very much like the Unix pipes: The following Linux shell command will list all the installed packages related with LaTeX, sort them, and display the first five lines.

apt list --installed | grep latex | sort | head --lines 5

Formatting library

Some may think that

printf("%d + %d == %d\n", a, b, a + b)

is better than

cout << a << " + " << b << " == " << a + b << '\n';

However, the existing printf family of functions have at least three drawbacks:

  1. The format string is parsed at runtime, which could have been done in compile-time. An error in the format string should be a compile-error.
  2. Not type-safe. Arguments are passed via __VA_ARGS__, which should have been done via variadic templates in modern C++.
  3. Not extensible. We cannot use printf to print objects of our self-defined types.

Formatting library

The text formatting library offers a safe and extensible alternative to the printf family of functions. It is intended to complement the existing C++ I/O streams library.

std::cout << std::format("{} + {} == {}.\n", a, b, a + b);

The C++23 print library

With C++23 print, we can print a formatted string directly:

std::print("{} + {} == {}.\n", a, b, a + b);
std::println("{} + {} == {}.", a, b, a + b); // equivalent way

Furthermore, the C++23 print functions are able to handle Unicode! The following should never produce garbled characters.



  • The graph library (Talk) (P1709R3), which may be in C++26?
  • Standard library support for linear algebra algorithms: <linalg> in C++26.
  • Debugging support: <debugging> in C++26.
  • ......


  • function: A function wrapper that stores a callable object.s
  • optional: Either a value or nothing.
  • string_view: A reference to a string of any form, which is often used as a parameter.
  • pair and tuple: A "quick and dirty" data structure, which should be seldomly used in modern C++.


\({}^{\textcolor{red}{1}}\) A pointer-to-member is also a callable.