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CS100 Lecture 18

Smart Pointers


  • Ideas
  • std::unique_ptr
  • std::shared_ptr


Memory management is difficult!

For raw pointers obtained from new / new[] expressions, a manual delete / delete[] is required.

void runGame(const std::vector<Option> &options, const Settings &settings) {
  auto pWindow = new Window(settings.width, settings.height, settings.mode);
  auto pGame = new Game(options, settings, pWindow);
  // Run the game ...
  while (true) {
    auto key = getUserKeyAction();
    // ...
  delete pGame;   // You must not forget this.
  delete pWindow; // You must not forget this.

Will you always remember to delete?

Will you always remember to delete?

void runGame(const std::vector<Option> &options, const Settings &settings) {
  auto pWindow = new Window(settings.width, settings.height, settings.mode);
  auto pGame = new Game(options, settings, pWindow);
  if (/* condition1 */) {
    // ...
    return; // `pWindow` and `pGame` should also be `delete`d here!
  // Run the game ...
  while (true) {
    auto key = getUserKeyAction();
    // ...
    if (/* condition2 */) {
      // ...
      return; // `pWindow` and `pGame` should also be `delete`d here!
  delete pGame;
  delete pWindow;

Idea: Make use of destructors.

struct WindowPtr { // A "smart pointer".
  Window *ptr;
  WindowPtr(Window *p) : ptr(p) {}
  ~WindowPtr() { delete ptr; } // The destructor will `delete` the object.

When the control reaches the end of the scope in which the WindowPtr lives, the destructor of WindowPtr will be called automatically.

void runGame(const std::vector<Option> &options, const Settings &settings) {
  WindowPtr pWindow(new Window(settings.width, settings.height, settings.mode));
  if (/* condition1 */) {
    // ...
    return; // `pWindow` is destroyed automatically, with its destructor called.
  // ...
  // `pWindow` is destroyed automatically, with its destructor called.

What if WindowPtr is copied?

Now WindowPtr only has a compiler-generated copy constructor, which copies the value of ptr.

  WindowPtr pWindow(new Window(settings.width, settings.height, settings.mode));
  auto copy = pWindow; // `copy.ptr` and `pWindow.ptr` point to the same object!
} // The object is deleted twice! Disaster!

What should be the behavior of auto copy = pWindow;? Possible designs are:

  1. Copy the object, as if WindowPtr copy(new Window(*pWindow.ptr));.
  2. Copy the pointer, as if WindowPtr copy(pWindow.ptr);.
  3. To avoid disasters caused by multiple deletes, some special design is needed.
  4. Disable it. If there is no unique reasonable design, disable that operation.

What if WindowPtr is copied?

What should be the behavior of auto copy = pWindow;? Possible designs are:

  1. Copy the object, as if WindowPtr copy(new Window(*pWindow.ptr));.
  2. "Value semantics"
  3. Typical example: Standard library containers. When you copy a std::string, a new string is created, with the contents copied.
  4. May be referred to as "deep copy" in some other languages.
  5. Copy the pointer, as if WindowPtr copy(pWindow.ptr);.
  6. To avoid disasters caused by multiple deletes, some special design is needed.
  7. "Pointer semantics", or "Reference semantics"
  8. "shallow copy" in some other languages.
  9. Disable it. If there is no unique reasonable design, disable that operation.
  10. In this case, pWindow exclusively owns the Window object.

Overview of smart pointers

A "smart pointer" is a pointer that manages its resources.

Possible behaviors of copy of a smart pointer:

  1. Copy the object. (Value semantics)
  2. Standard library containers. e.g. std::string, std::vector, std::set, ...
  3. Copy the pointer, but with some special design. (Pointer semantics)
  4. std::shared_ptr<T>. Defined in standard library file <memory>.
  5. Disable it. (Unique ownership)
  6. std::unique_ptr<T>. Defined in standard library file <memory>.

The smart pointers std::shared_ptr<T>, std::unique_ptr<T> and std::weak_ptr<T> are the C++'s answer to garbage collection.

  • std::weak_ptr is not covered in CS100.

Overview of smart pointers

The smart pointers std::shared_ptr<T>, std::unique_ptr<T> and std::weak_ptr<T> are the C++'s answer to garbage collection.

Smart pointers support the similar operations as raw pointers: - *sp returns reference to the pointed-to object. - sp->mem is equivalent to (*sp).mem. - sp is contextually convertible to bool: It can be treated as a "condition". - It can be placed at the "condition" part of if, for, while, do statements. - It can be used as operands of &&, ||, ! or the first operand of ?:. - In all cases, the conversion result is true iff sp holds an object (not "null").

[Best practice] In modern C++, prefer smart pointers to raw pointers.


Design: Unique ownership of the object

class WindowPtr {
  Window *ptr;
  WindowPtr(Window *p = nullptr) : ptr(p) {}
  ~WindowPtr() { delete ptr; }


A "unique-pointer" saves a raw pointer internally, pointing to the object it owns.

When the unique-pointer is destroyed, it disposes of the object it owns.

Design: Unique ownership of the object

class WindowPtr {
  Window *ptr;
  WindowPtr(Window *p = nullptr) : ptr(p) {}
  ~WindowPtr() { delete ptr; }
  WindowPtr(const WindowPtr &) = delete;
  WindowPtr &operator=(const WindowPtr &) = delete;


The unique-pointer exclusively owns the object. Copying a unique-pointer is not allowed.

Design: Unique ownership of the object

class WindowPtr {
  Window *ptr;
  WindowPtr(Window *p = nullptr) : ptr(p) {}
  ~WindowPtr() { delete ptr; }
  WindowPtr(const WindowPtr &) = delete;
  WindowPtr &operator=(const WindowPtr &) = delete;
  WindowPtr(WindowPtr &&other) noexcept : ptr(other.ptr) { other.ptr = nullptr; }
  WindowPtr &operator=(WindowPtr &&other) noexcept {
    if (&other != this) {
      delete ptr; ptr = other.ptr; other.ptr = nullptr;
    return *this;

Move of a unique-pointer: transfer of ownership.

  • Move-only type


Like std::vector, std::unique_ptr is also a class template. It is not a type itself.

  • std::unique_ptr<PointeeType> is the complete type name, where PointeeType is the type of the object that it points to.
  • For T \(\neq\) U, std::unique_ptr<T> and std::unique_ptr<U> are two different and independent types.

Same for std::shared_ptr, which we will talk about later.

Creating a std::unique_ptr: Two common ways

  • Pass a pointer created by new to the constructor:

cpp std::unique_ptr<Student> p(new Student("Bob", 2020123123));

  • Here <Student> can be omitted. The compiler is able to deduce it.
  • Use std::make_unique<T>, and pass the initializers to it. cpp std::unique_ptr<Student> p1 = std::make_unique<Student>("Bob", 2020123123); auto p2 = std::make_unique<Student>("Alice", 2020321321);

  • std::make_unique<T>(args...) perfectly forwards the arguments args... to the constructor of T, as if the object were created by new T(args...).

  • std::make_unique<T> returns a std::unique_ptr<T> to the created object.

Default initialization of a std::unique_ptr

std::unique_ptr<T> up;

The default constructor of std::unique_ptr<T> initializes up to be a "null pointer".

up is in the state that does not own any object.

  • This is a defined and deterministic behavior! It is not holding some indeterminate value.
  • The standard library hates indeterminate values, just as we do.

std::unique_ptr: Automatic memory management

void foo() {
  auto pAlice = std::make_unique<Student>("Alice", 2020321321);
  // Do something...
  if (some_condition()) {
    auto pBob = std::make_unique<Studnet>("Bob", 2020123123);
    // ...
  } // `Student::~Student()` is called for Bob,
    // because the lifetime of `pBob` ends.
} // `Student::~Student()` is called for Alice,
  // because the lifetime of `pAlice` ends.

A std::unique_ptr automatically calls the destructor once it gets destroyed or assigned a new value. - No manual delete needed!

std::unique_ptr: Move-only

auto p = std::make_unique<std::string>(5, 'c');
std::cout << *p << std::endl;                  // Prints "ccccc".
auto q = p;                                    // Error. Copy is not allowed.
auto r = std::move(p);                         // Correct.
// Now the ownership of this string has been transferred to `r`.
std::cout << *r << std::endl; // Prints "ccccc".
if (!p) // true
  std::cout << "p is \"null\" now." << std::endl;

std::unique_ptr is not copyable, but only movable. - Remember, only one std::unique_ptr can point to the managed object. - Move of a std::unique_ptr is the transfer of ownership of the managed object.

std::unique_ptr: Move-only

auto p = std::make_unique<std::string>(5, 'c');
std::cout << *p << std::endl;                  // Prints "ccccc".
auto q = p;                                    // Error. Copy is not allowed.
auto r = std::move(p);                         // Correct.
// Now the ownership of this string has been transferred to `r`.
std::cout << *r << std::endl; // Prints "ccccc".
if (!p) // true
  std::cout << "p is \"null\" now." << std::endl;

After auto up2 = std::move(up1);, up1 becomes "null". The object that up1 used to manage now belongs to up2.

The assignment up2 = std::move(up1) destroys the object that up2 used to manage, and lets up2 take over the object managed by up1. After that, up1 becomes "null".

Express your intent precisely.

You may accidentally write the following code:

// Given that `pWindow` is a `std::unique_ptr<Window>`.
auto p = pWindow; // Oops, attempting to copy a `std::unique_ptr`.

The compiler gives an error, complaining about the use of deleted copy constructor.

What are you going to do?

A. Change it to auto p = std::move(pWindow);. B. Give up on smart pointers, and switch back to raw pointers. C. Copy-and-paste the compiler output and ask ChatGPT.

Express your intent precisely.

You may accidentally write the following code:

// Given that `pWindow` is a `std::unique_ptr<Window>`.
auto p = pWindow; // Oops, attempting to copy a `std::unique_ptr`.

The compiler gives an error, complaining about the use of deleted copy constructor.

  1. Syntactically, a std::unique_ptr is not copyable, but you are copying it. (Direct cause of the error)
  2. Logically, a std::unique_ptr must exclusively manage the pointed-to object. Why would you copy a std::unique_ptr?
  3. The root cause of the error is related to your intent: What are you going to do with p?

Express your intent precisely.

// Given that `pWindow` is a `std::unique_ptr<Window>`.
auto p = pWindow; // Oops, attempting to copy a `std::unique_ptr`.

What are you going to do with p?

  • If you want to copy the pointed-to object, change it to auto p = std::make_unique<Window>(*pWindow);.
  • If you want p to be just an observer, write auto p = pWindow.get();.
  • pWindow.get() returns a raw pointer to the object, which is of type Window *.
  • Be careful! As an observer, p should never interfere in the lifetime of the object. A simple delete p; will cause disaster.

Express your intent precisely.

// Given that `pWindow` is a `std::unique_ptr<Window>`.
auto p = pWindow; // Oops, attempting to copy a `std::unique_ptr`.

What are you going to do with p?

  • If you want p to take over the object managed by pWindow, change it to auto p = std::move(pWindow);.
  • Be careful! pWindow will no longer own that object.
  • If you want to p to be another smart pointer that shares the ownership with pWindow, std::unique_ptr is not suitable here. \(\Rightarrow\) See std::shared_ptr later.

Returning a std::unique_ptr

struct Window {
  // A typical "factory" function.
  static std::unique_ptr<Window> create(const Settings &settings) {
    auto pW = std::make_unique<Window>(/* some arguments */);
    // ...
    return pW;
auto state = Window::create(my_settings);

A temporary is move-constructed from pW, and then is used to move-construct state.

  • These two moves can be optimized out by NRVO.

Other operations on std::unique_ptr

up.reset(), up.release(), up1.swap(up2), up1 == up2, etc.

Full list of operations supported on a std::unique_ptr.

std::unique_ptr for array type

By default, the destructor of std::unique_ptr<T> uses a delete expression to destroy the object it holds.

What happens if std::unique_ptr<T> up(new T[n]);?

std::unique_ptr for array type

By default, the destructor of std::unique_ptr<T> uses a delete expression to destroy the object it holds.

What happens if std::unique_ptr<T> up(new T[n]);?

  • The memory is obtained using new[], but deallocated by delete! Undefined behavior.

std::unique_ptr for array type

A template specialization: std::unique_ptr<T[]>.

  • Specially designed to represent pointers that point to a "dynamic array" of objects.
  • It has some array-specific operators, e.g. operator[]. In contrast, it does not support operator* and operator->.
  • It uses delete[] instead of delete to destroy the objects.
auto up = std::make_unique<int[]>(n);
std::unique_ptr<int[]> up2(new int[n]{}); // equivalent
for (auto i = 0; i != n; ++i)
  std::cout << up[i] << ' ';

~~std::unique_ptr for array type~~

~~A template specialization: std::unique_ptr<T[]>.~~

~~- Specially designed to represent pointers that point to a "dynamic array" of objects.~~ ~~- It has some array-specific operators, e.g. operator[]. In contrast, it does not support operator* and operator->.~~ ~~- It uses delete[] instead of delete to destroy the objects.~~

Use standard library containers instead!

They almost always do a better job. std::unique_ptr<T[]> is seldom needed.

std::unique_ptr is zero-overhead.

std::unique_ptr stores nothing more than a raw pointer. \({}^{\textcolor{red}{1}}\)

It does nothing more than better copy / move control and automatic object destruction.

Zero-overhead: Using a std::unique_ptr does not cost more time or space than using raw pointers.

[Best practice] Use std::unique_ptr for exclusive-ownership resource management.



A std::unique_ptr exclusively owns an object, but sometimes this is not convenient.

struct WindowManager {
  void addWindow(const std::unique_ptr<Window> &pW) {
    mWindows.push_back(pW); // Error. Attempts to copy a `std::unique_ptr`.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Window>> mWindows;

struct Window {
  static std::unique_ptr<Window> create(const Settings &settings) {
    auto pW = std::make_unique<Window>(/* some arguments */);
    return pW;


Design a "shared-pointer" that allows the object it manages to be shared.

When should the object be destroyed?

  • A std::unique_ptr destroys the object it manages when the pointer itself is destroyed.
  • If we allow many shared-pointers to point to the same object, how can we know when to destroy that object?

Idea: Reference counting

Set a counter that counts how many WindowPtrs are pointing to it:

struct WindowWithCounter {
  Window theWindow;
  int refCount = 1;

When a new object is created by a WindowPtr, set the refCount to 1.

Idea: Reference counting

When a WindowPtr is copied, let it point to the same object, and increment the counter.

class WindowPtr {
  WindowWithCounter *ptr;
  WindowPtr(const WindowPtr &other) : ptr(other.ptr) { ++ptr->refCount; }


Idea: Reference counting

For copy assignment: the counter of the old object should be decremented.

  • If it reaches zero, destroy that object!
class WindowPtr {
  WindowWithCounter *ptr;
  WindowPtr(const WindowPtr &other) : ptr(other.ptr) { ++ptr->refCount; }
  WindowPtr &operator=(const WindowPtr &other) {
    if (--ptr->refCount == 0)
      delete ptr;
    ptr = other.ptr;
    return *this;

* Is this correct?

Idea: Reference counting

Self-assignment safe!!!

class WindowPtr {
  WindowWithCounter *ptr;
  WindowPtr(const WindowPtr &other) : ptr(other.ptr) { ++ptr->refCount; }
  WindowPtr &operator=(const WindowPtr &other) {
    if (--ptr->refCount == 0)
      delete ptr;
    ptr = other.ptr;
    return *this;

Idea: Reference counting

Destructor: decrement the counter, and destroy the object if the counter reaches zero.

class WindowPtr {
  WindowWithCounter *ptr;
  WindowPtr(const WindowPtr &other) : ptr(other.ptr) { ++ptr->refCount; }
  WindowPtr &operator=(const WindowPtr &other) {
    if (--ptr->refCount == 0)
      delete ptr;
    ptr = other.ptr;
    return *this;
  ~WindowPtr() {
    if (--ptr->refCount == 0)
      delete ptr;

Idea: Reference counting

Move: Just "steal" the object. It is also the transfer of ownership.

class WindowPtr {
  WindowWithCounter *ptr;
  WindowPtr(WindowPtr &&other) noexcept : ptr(other.ptr) { other.ptr = nullptr; }
  WindowPtr &operator=(WindowPtr &&other) noexcept {
    if (this != &other) {
      if (--ptr->refCount == 0)
        delete ptr;
      ptr = other.ptr; other.ptr = nullptr;
    return *this;

Reference counting

By maintaining a variable that counts how many shared-pointers are pointing to the object, we can know when to destroy the object.

This strategy is adopted by Python.

It can prevent memory leak in many cases, but not all cases! \(\Rightarrow\) See the question in the end of this lecture's slides.


A smart pointer that uses reference counting to manage shared objects.

Create a shared_ptr:

std::shared_ptr<Type> sp2(new Type(args));
auto sp = std::make_shared<Type>(args); // equivalent, but better

For example:

// sp points to a string "cccccccccc".
auto sp = std::make_shared<std::string>(10, 'c');

auto pWindow = std::make_shared<Window>(80, 24, my_settings.mode);

Create a shared_ptr

Note: For std::unique_ptr, both of the following ways are ok (since C++17):

auto up = std::make_unique<Type>(args);
std::unique_ptr<Type> up2(new Type(args));

For std::shared_ptr, std::make_shared is preferable to directly using new.

auto sp = std::make_shared<Type>(args);    // preferred
std::shared_ptr<Type> sp2(new Type(args)); // ok, but less preferred

Read Effective Modern C++ Item 21. (Note that this book is based on C++14.)

[Best practice] Prefer std::make_shared to directly using new when creating a std::shared_ptr.


* and -> can be used as if it is a raw pointer:

auto sp = std::make_shared<std::string>(10, 'c');
std::cout << *sp << std::endl;        // "cccccccccc"
std::cout << sp->size() << std::endl; // "10"

sp.use_count(): The value of the reference counter.

auto sp = std::make_shared<std::string>(10, 'c');
  auto sp2 = sp;
  std::cout << sp.use_count() << std::endl; // 2
} // `sp2` is destroyed, but the managed object is not destroyed.
std::cout << sp.use_count() << std::endl;   // 1


Full list of supported operations on std::shared_ptr.

std::shared_ptr is relatively easy to use, since you are free to create many std::shared_ptrs pointing to one object.

However, std::shared_ptr has time and space overhead. Copy of a std::shared_ptr requires maintenance of reference counter.


std::unique_ptr - Exclusive-ownership. - Move-only. Move is the transfer of ownership. - Zero-overhead.

std::shared_ptr - Shared-ownership. - Uses reference counting. - Copy increments the reference counter. - When the counter is decremented to zero, the object is destroyed.


Does std::shared_ptr prevent memory leak in all cases? Think about what happens in the following code.

struct Node {
  int value;
  std::shared_ptr<Node> next;
  Node(int x, std::shared_ptr<Node> p) : value{x}, next{std::move(p)} {}
void foo() {
  auto p = std::make_shared<Node>(1, nullptr);
  p->next = std::make_shared<Node>(2, p);


\({}^{\textcolor{red}{1}}\) The deleter that a std::unique_ptr uses is customizable, which also has to be stored in a std::unique_ptr. By default, std::default_delete is used that performs delete ptr; to destroy the object and release the memory. std::unique_ptr often uses some space-saving tricks to store the deleter. If the deleter is "stateless" (e.g. an object with no non-static data members), it may be stored with no unique address so that no extra space is required. std::default_delete belongs to this kind. Therefore, sizeof(std::unique_ptr<T>) is often reasonably equal to sizeof(T *).