
  1. C语言中的每个变量都有一个类型,这个类型在编译时就已确定(静态类型)

  2. 获得'9'的int数值: int num = '9' - '0';

  3. 有符号整数溢出是未定义行为。无符号整数运算总是以模 n 进行,n 是整数类型的位数。

  4. Whether char is signed or unsigned is implementation-defined.

  5. printf函数要求数据类型与占位符严格对应, 不允许隐式转换

  6. printf("%d\n", ++x);可以, 但是printf("%d%d\n", x, x++);不行, 因为不知道是先占位还是先++x

  7. Operator precedence does not determine evaluation order. f() + g() * h() is interpreted as f() + (g() * h()) , but the order in which f , g and hare called is unspecified.

  8. In the following expressions, it is unspecified whether f is called before g . f() + g() ; f() == g() ; some_function(f(), g())

  9. The assignment operator returns the value of lhs after assignment.

c int a = 0, b = 1, c = 2; a = b = c; // interpreted as a = (b = c) // Both a and b are assigned with 2.

  1. The expression in a case label must be an integer constant expression, whose value is known at compile-time

  2. If a variable is declared without explicit initialization:

    For local non- static variables, they are initialized to indeterminate values. In other words, they are uninitialized. (局部非静态变量, 不会零初始化)

    For global or local static variables, they are empty-initialized : (全局或局部静态变量会零初始化)

    Pointers are initialized to null pointer values of their types.

    Objects of integral types are initialized to 0 .

    Objects of floating types are initialized to positive zero ( 0.0 ).

  3. 局部非静态指针是未初始化的, 而全局或局部静态指针会零初始化(空指针)

  4. 要避免解引用空指针或者是野指针, 最好是if (ptr != NULL && *ptr == 42){}

  5. c int a1[10]; // OK. A literal is a constant expression. #define MAXN 10 int a2[MAXN]; // OK. `MAXN` is replaced with `10` by the preprocessor. int n; scanf("%d", &n); int a[n]; // A C99 VLA (Variable-Length Array), whose length is // determined at runtime. 不可以!

  6. If an array is declared without explicit initialization:

    Global or local static : Empty-initialization Every element is empty-initialized.

    Local non- static : Every element is initialized to indeterminate values (uninitialized).

  7. 总而言之, 局部变量不初始化, 就是真的未初始化了; 其他的都是空初始化

  8. an array can be implicitly converted to a pointer to the first element: a -> &a[0] , T -> [N] T *; 但是两者仍然有区别, array支持基于范围的循环, 但是如果是函数传参, 传入了一个退化为指针的数组, 那么这个指针不支持基于范围的循环. 只不过是在函数里面的这个指针支持subscript, 因为编译器帮了大忙

  9. int (*parr)[N];a ptr to an array of N ints

    int *arrp[N]; an array of N ptrs pointing to int.

  10. 传入int[N][M]的方法: void fun(int a[N][M]) void fun(int (*a)[M]) 一定要理解到底传入的关键是什么? A pointer to int [M]!

  11. void *malloc(size_t size), 不会空初始化, 而calloc会. 有且只有一种free方法: free指针

  12. C风格字符串: It must be null-terminated: There should be a null character '\0' at the end. '\0' is the "null character" whose ASCII value is 0. fgets(str, 100, stdin); puts(str) : Prints the string str , followed by a newline.

  13. 想开辟一个结构体实例在堆区上: struct Student *pStu = malloc(sizeof(struct Student));

  14. Although an array cannot be copied, an array member can be copied. The copy of an array is element-wise copy. (struct)

  15. Global or local static : "empty-initialization", which performs member-wise empty-initialization. (空初始化)

​ Local non- static : every member is initialized to indeterminate values (in other words, uninitialized). (未初始化)

  1. Default-initialization of a std::string will produce an empty string. (不是undefined)
  2. string.size()返回字符串长度; string.empty()判断是否是空字符串
  3. At least one operand of + should be std::string
  4. References must be bound to existing objects; References are not objects
  5. Use references in range- for: for (char &c : str){for (char &c : str)}
  6. std::vector is not a type itself. It must be combined with some to form a type.
  7. C++中, const int maxn = 1000; int a[maxn]; // a normal array in C++, but VLA in C

  8. Almost all implicit narrowing conversions in C++ is banned.

  9. c++ const int cival = 42; int &ref = const_cast<int &>(cival); // compiles, but dangerous ++ref; // undefined behavior (may crash)

  10. auto str = "hello"; // `const char * auto it = vs.begin();

    auto lam = [](int x, int y) { return x + y; } // A lambda expression.

  11. decltype(expr) will deduce the type of the expression expr without evaluating it.

  12. Pass an array by reference:

void print(const int (&arr)[100]) {
    for (auto x : arr) // OK. `arr` is an array.
        std::cout << x << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
  1. In a const member function, calling a non- const member function on *this is not allowed.
  2. For a const object, only const member functions can be called on it.
  3. Data members are initialized in order in which they are declared.
  4. 类中声明的指针是无法被默认初始化为 nullptr(惨痛教训)(=default)(除非in-class有定义)
  5. new [0]may also allocate some memory which should also be deallocated
  6. If the class does not have a user-declared copy constructor, the compiler will try to synthesize one. The synthesized one will copy-initialize all the members
  7. By saying = delete , we define a deleted copy constructor. (拒绝复制构造)
  8. a = b is equivalent to a.operator=(b).
  9. operator= returns reference to the left-hand side object. It is *this.别忘了delete
  10. copy和move问题都需要考虑self-assignment的corner-case
  11. A static data member: 它属于类, 而不属于任何object, 因此静态类方法没有this指针
  12. A friend is not a member! 友元声明在类的任何地方都可以(一般是最开始或最后)
  13. A member function can be declared in the class body, and then defined outside.
  14. 只声明一个类, 但是啥也不知道, 那么就是incomplete type, 只能给它声明指针或引用
  15. 析构函数结束后, 类内所有成员都会被自动摧毁, 摧毁顺序是声明顺序的逆序!
  16. 默认析构函数不会自动释放指针指向的内存
  17. std::shared_ptr // in <memory>允许智慧指针的复制, 但是有特殊的设计; std::unique_ptr // in <memory> 不允许智慧指针的复制(move-only type, move之后的指针变成空指针); 且注意, 这两个和是class template, 不是type

  18. std::unique_ptr<Student> p(new Student("Bob", 2020123123));也可以:

std::unique_ptr p1 = std::make_unique("Bob", 2020123123);

auto p2 = std::make_unique("Alice", 2020321321);

  1. The default constructor of std::unique_ptr<T> initializes ptr to be a null pointer. It is not holding some indeterminate value.

  2. c++ // Given that `pWindow` is a `std::unique_ptr<Window>`. auto p = pWindow; // Oops, attempting to copy a `std::unique_ptr`.

    If you want p to be just an observer, write auto p = pWindow.get(); pWindow.get() returns a raw pointer to the object, which is of type Window *.

    Be careful! As an observer, p should never interfere in the lifetime of the object. A simple delete p; will cause disaster.

  3. 如果std::unique_ptr up(new T[n]);呢? 应该用delete[]的但是却是delete

A template specialization: std::unique_ptr. 或者说直接使用STL

  1. Zero-overhead: Using a std::unique_ptr does not cost more time or space than using raw pointers.

  2. c++ std::shared_ptr<Type> sp2(new Type(args)); auto sp = std::make_shared<Type>(args); // equivalent, but better

    sp.use_count() : The value of the reference counter.

auto sp = std::make_shared<std::string>(10, 'c');
auto sp2 = sp;
std::cout << sp.use_count() << std::endl; // 2
} // `sp2` is destroyed, but the managed object is not destroyed.
std::cout << sp.use_count() << std::endl; // 1