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CS100 Lecture 15

Constructors, Destructors, Copy Control


  • Constructors and destructors
  • Copy control

Constructors and destructors

Lifetime of an object

**Lifetime** of a local non-`static` object: - Starts on initialization - Ends when control flow goes out of its **scope**.
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
  // Lifetime of `s` begins.
  std::string s = some_string();
  do_something_else(s, i);
/* end of lifetime of `s` */ }

Every time the loop body is executed, s undergoes initialization and destruction. - std::string owns some resources (memory where the characters are stored). - std::string must somehow release that resources (deallocate that memory) at the end of its lifetime.

Lifetime of an object

Lifetime of a global object: - Starts on initialization (before the first statement of main) - Ends when the program terminates.

Lifetime of a heap-based object: - Starts on initialization: A new expression will do this, but malloc does not! - Ends when it is destroyed: A delete expression will do this, but free does not!

\(\Rightarrow\) new / delete expressions are in this week's recitation.

Constructors and Destructors

Take std::string as an example: - Its initialization (done by its constructors) must allocate some memory for its content. - When it is destroyed, it must somehow deallocate that memory.

Constructors and Destructors

Take std::string as an example: - Its initialization (done by its constructors) must allocate some memory for its content. - When it is destroyed, it must somehow deallocate that memory.

A destructor of a class is the function that is automatically called when an object of that class type is destroyed.

Constructors and Destructors

Syntax: ~ClassName() { /* ... */ }

struct A {
  A() {
    std::cout << 'c';
  ~A() {
    std::cout << 'd';
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
  A a;
  // do something ...


Called automatically when the object is destroyed! - How can we make use of this property?


Called automatically when the object is destroyed! - How can we make use of this property?

We often do some cleanup in a destructor: - If the object owns some resources (e.g. dynamic memory), destructors can be made use of to avoid leaking!

class A {
  SomeResourceHandle resource;

  A(/* ... */) : resource(obtain_resource(/* ... */)) {}
  ~A() {

Example: A dynamic array

Suppose we want to implement a "dynamic array": - It looks like a VLA (variable-length array), but it is heap-based, which is safer. - It should take good care of the memory it uses.

Expected usage:

int n; std::cin >> n;
Dynarray arr(n); // `n` is runtime determined
                 // `arr` should have allocated memory for `n` `int`s now.
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
  int x; std::cin >> x; = x * x; // subscript, looks as if `arr[i] = x * x`
// ...
// `arr` should deallocate its memory itself.

Dynarray: members

  • It should have a pointer that points to the memory, where elements are stored.
  • It should remember its length.
class Dynarray {
  int *m_storage;
  std::size_t m_length;
  • m stands for member.

[Best practice] Make data members private, to achieve good encapsulation.

Dynarray: constructors

  • We want Dynarray a(n); to construct a Dynarray that contains n elements.
  • To avoid troubles, we want the elements to be value-initialized!
    • Value-initialization is like "empty-initialization" in C. (In this week's recitation.)
  • new int[n]{}: Allocate a block of heap memory that stores n ints, and value-initialize them.
  • Do we need a default constructor?
  • Review: What is a default constructor?
    • The constructor with no parameters.
  • What should be the correct behavior of it?

Dynarray: constructors

  • We want Dynarray a(n); to construct a Dynarray that contains n elements.
  • To avoid troubles, we want the elements to be value-initialized!
  • Suppose we don't want a default constructor.
class Dynarray {
  int *m_storage;
  std::size_t m_length;
  Dynarray(std::size_t n) : m_storage(new int[n]{}), m_length(n) {}

If the class has a user-declared constructor, the compiler will not generate a default constructor.

Dynarray: constructors

class Dynarray {
  int *m_storage;
  std::size_t m_length;
  Dynarray(std::size_t n) : m_storage(new int[n]{}), m_length(n) {}

Since Dynarray has a user-declared constructor, it does not have a default constructor:

Dynarray a; // Error.

Dynarray: destructor

  • Remember: The destructor is (automatically) called when the object is "dead".
  • The memory is obtained in the constructor, and released in the destructor.
class Dynarray {
  int *m_storage;
  std::size_t m_length;
  Dynarray(std::size_t n)
    : m_storage(new int[n]{}), m_length(n) {}
  ~Dynarray() {
    delete[] m_storage; // Pay attention to `[]`!

Dynarray: destructor

Is this correct?

class Dynarray {
  // ...
  ~Dynarray() {
    if (m_length != 0)
      delete[] m_storage;

Dynarray: destructor

Is this correct?

class Dynarray {
  // ...
  ~Dynarray() {
    if (m_length != 0)
      delete[] m_storage;

NO! new [0] may also allocate some memory (implementation-defined, like malloc), which should also be deallocated.

Dynarray: destructor

Is this correct?

class Dynarray {
  // ...
  ~Dynarray() {
    delete[] m_storage;
    m_length = 0;

Dynarray: destructor

Is this correct?

class Dynarray {
  // ...
  ~Dynarray() {
    delete[] m_storage;
    m_length = 0;

It is correct, but m_length = 0; is not needed. The destructor is executed right before the Dynarray object "dies", so the value of m_length does not matter!

Dynarray: some member functions

Design some useful member functions. - A function to obtain its length (size). - A function telling whether it is empty.

class Dynarray {
  // ...
  std::size_t size() const {
    return m_length;
  bool empty() const {
    return m_length == 0;

Dynarray: some member functions

Design some useful member functions. - A function returning reference to an element.

class Dynarray {
  // ...
  int &at(std::size_t i) {
    return m_storage[i];
  const int &at(std::size_t i) const {
    return m_storage[i];

Why do we need this "const vs non-const" overloading? \(\Rightarrow\) Learn it in recitations.

Dynarray: Usage

void print(const Dynarray &a) {
  for (std::size_t i = 0;
       i != a.size(); ++i)
    std::cout << << ' ';
  std::cout << std::endl;
void reverse(Dynarray &a) {
  for (std::size_t i = 0,
    j = a.size() - 1; i < j; ++i, --j)
int main() {
  int n; std::cin >> n;
  Dynarray array(n);
  for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
    std::cin >>;
  return 0;
  // Dtor of `array` is called here,
  // which deallocates the memory

Copy control


We can easily construct a std::string to be a copy of another:

std::string s1 = some_value();
std::string s2 = s1; // s2 is initialized to be a copy of s1
std::string s3(s1); // equivalent
std::string s4{s1}; // equivalent, but modern

Can we do this for our Dynarray?


Before we add anything, let's try what will happen:

Dynarray a(3); = 2; = 3; = 5;
Dynarray b = a; // It compiles.
print(b); // 2 3 5 = 70;
print(b); // 70 3 5

Ooops! Although it compiles, the pointers a.m_storage and b.m_storage are pointing to the same address!


Before we add anything, let's try what will happen:

Dynarray a(3);
Dynarray b = a;

Although it compiles, the pointers a.m_storage and b.m_storage are pointing to the same address!

This will cause disaster: consider the case if b "dies" before a:

Dynarray a(3);
if (some_condition) {
  Dynarray b = a; // `a.m_storage` and `b.m_storage` point to the same memory!
  // ...
} // At this point, dtor of `b` is invoked, which deallocates the memory.
std::cout <<; // Invalid memory access!

Copy constructor

Let a be an object of type Type. The behaviors of copy-initialization (in one of the following forms)

Type b = a;
Type b(a);
Type b{a};

are determined by a constructor: the copy constructor.

  • Note! The = in Type b = a; is not an assignment operator!

Copy constructor

The copy constructor of a class X has a parameter of type const X &:

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray(const Dynarray &other);

Why const? - Logically, it should not modify the object being copied.

Why &? - Avoid copying. Pass-by-value is actually copy-initialization of the parameter, which will cause infinite recursion here!

Dynarray: copy constructor

What should be the correct behavior of it?

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray(const Dynarray &other);

Dynarray: copy constructor

  • We want a copy of the content of other.
class Dynarray {
  Dynarray(const Dynarray &other)
    : m_storage(new int[other.size()]{}), m_length(other.size()) {
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != other.size(); ++i)
      m_storage[i] =;

Now the copy-initialization of Dynarray does the correct thing: - The new object allocates a new block of memory. - The contents are copied, not just the address.

Synthesized copy constructor

If the class does not have a user-declared copy constructor, the compiler will try to synthesize one: - The synthesized copy constructor will copy-initialize all the members, as if

cpp class Dynarray { public: Dynarray(const Dynarray &other) : m_storage(other.m_storage), m_length(other.m_length) {} }; - If the synthesized copy constructor does not behave as you expect, define it on your own!

Defaulted copy constructor

If the synthesized copy constructor behaves as we expect, we can explicitly require it:

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray(const Dynarray &) = default;
  // Explicitly defaulted: Explicitly requires the compiler to synthesize
  // a copy constructor, with default behavior.

Deleted copy constructor

What if we don't want a copy constructor?

class ComplicatedDevice {
  // some members
  // Suppose this class represents some complicated device, 
  // for which there is no correct and suitable behavior for "copying".

Simply not defining the copy constructor does not work: - The compiler will synthesize one for you.

Deleted copy constructor

What if we don't want a copy constructor?

class ComplicatedDevice {
  // some members
  // Suppose this class represents some complicated device, 
  // for which there is no correct and suitable behavior for "copying".
  ComplicatedDevice(const ComplicatedDevice &) = delete;

By saying = delete, we define a deleted copy constructor:

ComplicatedDevice a = something();
ComplicatedDevice b = a; // Error: calling deleted function

Copy-assignment operator

Apart from copy-initialization, there is another form of copying:

std::string s1 = "hello", s2 = "world";
s1 = s2; // s1 becomes a copy of s2, representing "world"

In s1 = s2, = is the assignment operator.

= is the assignment operator only when it is in an expression. - s1 = s2 is an expression. - std::string s1 = s2 is in a declaration statement, not an expression. = here is a part of the initialization syntax.

Dynarray: copy-assignment operator

The copy-assignent operator is defined in the form of operator overloading: - a = b is equivalent to a.operator=(b). - We will talk about more on operator overloading in a few weeks.

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray &operator=(const Dynarray &other);
  • The function name is operator=.
  • In consistent with built-in assignment operators, operator= returns reference to the left-hand side object (the object being assigned).
  • It is *this.

Dynarray: copy-assignment operator

We also want the copy-assignment operator to copy the contents, not only an address.

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray &operator=(const Dynarray &other) {
    m_storage = new int[other.size()];
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != other.size(); ++i)
      m_storage[i] =;
    m_length = other.size();
    return *this;

Is this correct?

Dynarray: copy-assignment operator

Avoid memory leaks! Deallocate the memory you don't use!

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray &operator=(const Dynarray &other) {
    delete[] m_storage; // !!!
    m_storage = new int[other.size()];
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != other.size(); ++i)
      m_storage[i] =;
    m_length = other.size();
    return *this;

Is this correct?

Dynarray: copy-assignment operator

What if self-assignment happens?

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray &operator=(const Dynarray &other) {
    // If `other` and `*this` are actually the same object,
    // the memory is deallocated and the data are lost! (DISASTER)
    delete[] m_storage;
    m_storage = new int[other.size()];
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != other.size(); ++i)
      m_storage[i] =;
    m_length = other.size();
    return *this;

Dynarray: copy-assignment operator

Assignment operators should be self-assignment-safe.

class Dynarray {
  Dynarray &operator=(const Dynarray &other) {
    int *new_data = new int[other.size()];
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != other.size(); ++i)
      new_data[i] =;
    delete[] m_storage;
    m_storage = new_data;
    m_length = other.size();
    return *this;

This is self-assignment-safe. (Think about it.)

Synthesized, defaulted and deleted copy-assignment operator

Like the copy constructor: - The copy-assignment operator can also be deleted, by declaring it as = delete;. - If you don't define it, the compiler will generate one that copy-assigns all the members, as if it is defined as:

cpp class Dynarray { public: Dynarray &operator=(const Dynarray &other) { m_storage = other.m_storage; m_length = other.m_length; return *this; } }; - You can also require a synthesized one explicitly by saying = default;.

[IMPORTANT] The rule of three: Reasoning

Among the copy constructor, the copy-assignment operator and the destructor: - If a class needs a user-provided version of one of them, usually, it needs a user-provided version of each of them. - Why?

[IMPORTANT] The rule of three: Reasoning

Among the copy constructor, the copy-assignment operator and the destructor: - If a class needs a user-provided version of one of them, - usually, it is a class that manages some resources, - for which the default behavior of the copy-control members does not suffice. - Therefore, all of the three special functions need a user-provided version. - Define them in a correct, well-defined manner. - If a class should not be copy-constructible or copy-assignable, delete that function.

[IMPORTANT] The rule of three: Rules

Let \(S=\{\) copy constructor \(,\) copy assignment operator \(,\) destructor \(\}\).

If for a class, \(\exists x,y\in S\) such that

  • \(x\) is user-declared, and \(y\) is not user-declared,

then the compiler should not generate \(y\), according to the idea of "the rule of three".

[IMPORTANT] The rule of three: Rules

Let \(S=\{\) copy constructor \(,\) copy assignment operator \(,\) destructor \(\}\).

If for a class, \(\exists x,y\in S\) such that

  • \(x\) is user-declared, and \(y\) is not user-declared,

then the compiler still generates \(y\), but this behavior has been deprecated since C++11.

  • This is a problem left over from history: At the time C++98 was adopted, the significance of the rule of three was not fully appreciated.

[IMPORTANT] The rule of three

Into modern C++: The Rule of Five.

  • \(\Rightarrow\) We will talk about it in later lectures.

Read Effective Modern C++ Item 17 for a thorough understanding of this.


Lifetime of an object:

  • depends on its storage: local non-static, global, allocated, ...
  • Initialization marks the beginning of the lifetime of an object.
  • Classes can control the way of initialization using constructors.
  • When the lifetime of an object ends, it is destroyed.
  • If it is an object of class type, its destructor is called right before it is destroyed.


Copy control

  • Usually, the copy control members refer to the copy constructor, the copy assignment operator and the destructor.
  • Copy constructor: ClassName(const ClassName &)
  • Copy assignment operator: ClassName &operator=(const ClassName &)
  • It needs to be self-assignment safe.
  • Destructor: ~ClassName()
  • =default, =delete
  • The rule of three.